Очень рекомендую эту компанию так как моя семья осталась очень довольна сервисом. Вовремя встретили в аэропорту и были пунктуальны на обратном пути. Детские сидения предоставили как и указали в заявке.
”As, I promised Andrew! Outstanding service since first message from driver as soon as I got off the plane till the doors of the Hotel in Solden, Austria. Nice and clean vehicle and most important driver skils. Smooth and nice driving. Thank you very much!
”We are very satisfied about this company. We book a round trip for 7 people and everything was perfect. Our flight from Bologna was delayed and we had issue with luggage. Driver patiently was waiting for us. We suggest this company. Greetings from Italy!
”Transfer2Alps is an exceptional example of how a company should provide service. I have and will continue to recommend Transfer2Alps to all my clients and friends.